Just like the previous description, this device did have an impact on the transpiration, and the transpiration retreated before hitting it. Only then did the leaders believe that the creature was telling the truth, but the creature also said that it had to pay a price if it wanted to help, but it didn’t say […]
Sword to Fufeng Mountain Dong Yunhu burst to death! "Slay the Sword with One Heart and One Mind" has died without any scars. Dong Yunhu showed his true colors as a tiger, and the screams of hundreds of ghosts around him dissipated. Yang Xiu grabbed another seven stars and Cui Yuying screamed and was directly […]
Long hate sitting opposite with eyes wide open. What is the situation? Do these two people have feelings? Blue ink yan silently holding the forehead face some gloomy. Xuan Yu was in a hurry. "What the hell are you doing? You talk to me more cleanly!" "Did you just accidentally sleep in your body? A […]
Facing the present situation, Antoine’s land source deeply felt the gap between diamond level and saying level. This is the result of Antoine being limited by half of the French circle. And this is not to mention the consumption of Antoine that has been sealed for thousands of years. If it is a complete Antoine, […]
Although she has a lot of social experience, she has rarely been to such occasions. But today she just wanted to see it. "The boss gave me the strongest drink." "OK" The pub owner is not a good man and a woman. Since Bai Jing wants wine, just give it to her. There is no […]
"A family like Yu Qiuyu is rich and wants to kill Su Ying. You’d better not mess with me or a family won’t mind killing you first!" In the blink of an eye, dozens of deities rushed into the valley where they were buried. They were sent by the kings of the gods to kill […]
The emergence of "Emperor’s coercion" skill made Su Yu master the control skill, but unfortunately this skill needs Su Yu’s own strength foundation. 如果苏羽体实力强这是一个强对弱神技!如果苏羽体实力太弱这么技能压根没什么! 是一个秒杀弱者神级但是对于同级战和越级挑战来说别指望了! 总得来说这技能虽然看似有点鸡肋了但也总什么都没有要来好 苏羽是一个较易满足人 正当他准备收起统面板时候统另一道示音响起了 【滴!侦测到宿主实力过低领地等级过高!启限制修炼!强制进行灵气灌输!强制让宿主进入限制修炼!】 机械统音响起让苏羽登时一愣 “统你什么意思?” 苏羽这句话还没说完一股黑暗涌眼前他整个人都陷入了昏迷 391第391章 宿主你需要吗? 苏羽觉得自己脑袋昏昏沉沉随后不知道过了多久才从黑暗苏醒 睁眼四周都是黑漆漆一片伸手不见五指 “这里是哪里?” 苏羽眉头一皱他能清晰感觉到自己脚踩凹凸不平土地有微风吹过感觉但是却什么都看不见 苏羽记得自己昏迷前好像是被统强制性带到了一个地方? 限制修炼? 这是什么鬼地方! “统你给我出来!这里是哪里!” 苏羽低喝了一表情铁青一片堂堂人族大帝竟然被统给“强”了? 这是苏羽绝对法接受事情! 这代表着统拥有着他不可掌控因素! 【滴!宿主这里是限制修炼是专门给宿主修炼地方】 The stereo said nonsense. Su Yu’s face is still […]
"Elder, what is this?" A nearby planet asked Dilin for the first time. At this time, the robbery was not real, but those purple flames would fall in the robbery cloud, and the temperature of the purple flames was so terrible that the surface of the planet continued to sink! "I’m not sure, but you […]
The terror of the diamond-class strong lies in their ability to mobilize all spiritual forces in their surroundings. Achieve the effect of limiting the blue bar in similar games. It is this special state of blessing. Leading the diamond-level strong to display a lot of powerful skills. But when the advantage of the blue bar […]
Although it has been said for a long time, the snow is not so thick, but the surface is almost all hard ice. The Mao Yu Cave is covered with ice. Seeing that the snow had been shoveled, the commander shouted, "Before the trap troops!" " At this time, another’ trap force’ placed a lot […]