
As soon as all the forces of the Shang Dynasty turned to Xiqiao, no one was on the list so far. Wen Zhong lost the help of the friar and retreated to the Three Mountains Pass. It is worth mentioning that Nezha didn’t die physically, so he didn’t turn into a lotus incarnation. Nezha’s strength will not be limited until he dies, and his achievements in the future will be limitless.

After Wen Zhong lost to Sanshanguan, the two armies confronted each other. This saint has already decided to win or lose at Sanshanguan, and the people of the three religions dare not break the rules. There are four monks coming to Yunwu Mountain, but they are four spirits. These four people form a big array […]

It is also the most important thing for the bodhi old zu to escape from a certain place, which touches the Xuan, but he understands the disintegration of monty, so he can give up his dharma and become a monty.

After listening for a long time, Kang Mo was puzzled and asked, "Is it possible to understand this heavenly disintegration solution because it was chased by the devil instead of somewhere in the heavenly cave?" Wrong novel network does not skip words. The bodhi old zu said, "I know this statement sounds untrue, but it’s […]

In the central area, even if there are six robberies and scattered immortals, the coverage of spiritual knowledge is only one or two thousand miles. The most important thing is that the aura inside is different from the outside world, and the energy can only be supplemented by lingshi and Dan medicine. The stability of the space, the strange breath pressure, the richness and density of the specific aura will have various influences on the practitioners.

"Remember all the rules and go!" Under the orders of the Chief Defender of the Criminal Law, 17,000 disciples from other schools dispersed to different places in small groups and headed for the original interior of the sunset. The number of disciples varies from peak to peak, but there is not much difference in the […]

Liu Zhichun was immediately surprised and cried, when I left, the young master was still an immature egg. How thin is the aura of the human world? It will take at least five years for the young master to mature from the eggshell. How long will this take?

How could my young master have been shelled? He also asked Bai Lingxian to invite you to the spiritual world. Liu Zhichun was obviously shocked and stimulated, and it was too much to talk about. Not only did he talk about his face, but his face became more changeable and colorful than the palette. No, […]

"Royal elder sister; I miss you so much! " As long as I haven’t seen my loved ones meet; Then in the dark, it was time for the blood shadow to teach those people to be defeated and the royal elder sister and his party came out; A sad and a happy Sunday is not easy to see the organization naturally, and at that time, it was directly held in the past towards each other.

However; On Sunday, when he was excited, he shouted out his heart, but he didn’t realize what consequences he would get from this move. "Royal elder sister?" The veins stood out, cross the road, the royal elder sister’s hearing is quite outstanding. Although she spoke very quickly, she just heard the words of the royal […]

However, some extreme attributes, such as extreme sun, thunder and fire, frost and so on, are likely to cause hundreds of millions of miles of dry land, polar ice, and so on, and the consequences can be described as a change of color.

Therefore, it is almost impossible to make this happen when you are in charge of heaven and earth to suppress the virtual universe. "It seems that I must go and have a look …" …… It is from the virtual adventure that people escape from Yuanheng. "Damn it, I knew this imperfect method was still […]