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桑拿会所 While doing their best to curb the desire to rush to the front, Wang Xiaoliang and Stuart Nine Li Wei not only pulled this voice, but also blushed and shouted at Ella Kevin in front.
喝茶品茶联系方式 The cannon suddenly became dense, and a large number of Soviet self-propelled artillery and b-3 tornado self-propelled rocket launchers suddenly appeared in front of and behind the 136 regiment. The war gods have lost their long-range strike ability, and the 136 regiment sent out grinning shells, which poured out like a steel waterfall. Just now, the grand March scene suddenly turned into a inferno, and their front line and rear were turned into a sea of fire. The chariots in teams were swallowed up by the rows of fire columns, and I don’t know how many soldiers were swept away and the shrapnel tore muddy. Blood spurted out and the expanding flames reflected each other, and the 136 regiments were horribly red. The offensive was like mercury leaking to the ground, and they took a hard breath. At this time, they were only 15 kilometers away from the Fourth Cavalry Division. The only 15 kilometers were as far away as the moon and the earth. The armor roared in the cannon, and the Soviet tanks quietly appeared in the dark. The fire was particularly ferocious. At the same time, the aviation lights flashed like stars at night, and the Soviet helicopters roared up all over the sky!
喝茶品茶联系方式 The blue arc field disappeared, and the chandelier at the top flashed and then went out. Obviously, the filament burned.