"The most animals? ? ?”

Although I don’t know what Gu Qingshan means, Zhang Yinghao still seriously thought about it and replied. "The world of argot is a pig at most." "Pig?" "It’s pigs everywhere." Gu Qingshan got up and started walking towards the edge of the deck. He read, "I’ll get a pig back and put the order in […]

Because the gel creatures attacked this group of micromechanics, did Lin think it was the main force? The main force needed to observe the fear energy to know what they were thinking.

Of these multiple fear energy gathering places, Lin feels that there are several suspicious places … Although she told the gel creatures, they did not intend to attack those places directly, but slowly cleaned all the mechanical forces from the’ peripheral’ locations. As the war continued, Lynn also continued to do something she had been […]

This sound is completely different from peace and majesty, but with a hint of biting indifference, which makes people feel a cold heart and will never give birth to any doubts.

After saying this, the mysterious Lord slowed down and walked into the ancient temple. The remaining two messengers of heaven also whispered a few words to each other, and then immediately left here, just like this aura is a forbidden area for death, which is generally somewhat unpredictable. However, at this time, the unfinished man, […]

Yang Mei’s comely face was reddish. She nodded, and her thin fingers were caught by Yang You’s broad calluses. Her heart jumped wildly. Yang You didn’t notice him. He held Yang Mei’s hand simply by drawing a line and making a three, and yellow paper appeared.

Yang You wrote several 3s in a row before asking, "Can you write it?" Yangmei nodded, and with a clean hair, she immediately covered her face. Yang You straightened up and continued to patrol a string of beautiful fonts. Before Yang You, Yang You looked intently at the yellow paper writing workers and arranged Arabic […]