While doing their best to curb the desire to rush to the front, Wang Xiaoliang and Stuart Nine Li Wei not only pulled this voice, but also blushed and shouted at Ella Kevin in front.

But for Ellie Kevin, she doesn’t understand that it comes from an ancient oriental language. "(LaKevin) put the sword in your hand. Don’t blame us if you dare to test half a step forward again! ! !” As far as Ella Kevin is concerned, she really doesn’t want to be in conflict with the Li […]

Yang You saw that she was really hungry, so he told Qian Shan Dugu to call someone to bring rice porridge to Yang You. At this time, was also hungry. Two people sat at the square table and drank rice porridge.

Yang You asked this from time to time to know what had happened. Yang You loved her feelings for her father, which was naturally kind and comforting. She said that King Xia would be very touched by the red line in his heart, and their feelings also made some progress. After drinking rice porridge, the […]

Chapter 15 member huge rise!

Dahuangta work hall At this time, the service hall is already full of people. The bustling crowd is at least four or five hundred. This number is not a small crowd for a college with a grade of about 1000 people and a total of 10,000 students but no more than 6,000 students. There will […]

Although we don’t worry about any health problems or weight management problems in the game, we can’t let it "develop" all the time

"BaoLei want to eat? "Avik appeared from the side with a strange smile on his face. "Gala-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la." "Let’s eat then." He put a piece of food in front of him and seduced him deliberately. "Ga …" Looking at the food storm in front of him, his eyes immediately lit up. "Have you eaten?" Evick went […]

Some …’ private’ occasions, most machines will make Lynn hear a certain language of Kirsch, while formal occasions will make this new language.

This new language, which they call "joint language", seems to be a new language that is a mixture of the essence of the previous Welsh languages. Lynn thinks it’s not easy for them to make this language because … there is a big gap between the original Kirsch languages, but they did. These aircraft … […]